Systems Strategy Coaching

For teachers of all grade levels who need an organizational nerd’s mind to help create customized and effective classroom systems that work just for them!

Ever hear teachers talk about how they stay organized with systems they’ve implemented, but can’t get your head around how those strategies would work for you?

Maybe your school day looks a little like this…

😭 Random emails, requests, and to-do’s from admin often get missed or get turned in later than they probably should.

😭 Your lesson plans are all over the place to the point where you’ve taught the same lesson twice in a week accidentally or have had to “wing it” too many times.

😭 You wish you could more effectively serve individual student needs during instruction, but you feel so scatterbrained with all the things you have on your mind.

😭 You often find yourself working late into the night or on weekends just to catch up, and it takes a toll on your mental health and personal relationships.

You know you need better systems in place, but you have NO IDEA where you need them or how to make them happen.

But you know something has to change because you feel like there has to be a way to…

Ditch Unnecessary Stress

What may seem like little things at first, unopened emails here and there, piles of assignments to grade, and a book left out here and there pile up after a while. You need a system for addressing them head-on.

Serve Students in More Effective Ways

Finding creative ways to support students’ needs is challenging when you have a bajillion things to focus on. If only you could clear up your mind from everything it has to store, you could focus on what matters the moment.

Improve Time Management

With random pockets of time throughout the school day to actually get stuff done, you need a plan for efficiency way that gets you out the door at a decent time AND leaves room for 5-minute breaks here and there (because don’t we deserve brain breaks too?).

Prioritize Your Mental Health

With systems to organize your mental and physical spaces for your work life, you’d be able to create work-life balance and prioritize time with family and friends.

Meet your Systems Strategy Coach

Hi, I’m Maggie!

I ran my entire classroom on systems in order to help me function as the best version of myself - from color-coding every material, folder, or assignment down to creating a digital dashboard to relieve my teacher brain of all the things I had to keep track of. They were the literal things that grabbed my hand and brought me through my mental health journey, and now, I use them to organize every single aspect of my life. Today, I help teachers just like you find creative ways to develop organizational systems that are tailored to your unique needs.

Here’s how…

Purchasing everything in the container store and attending all the PD you could possibly imagine won’t solve your problems. You have to start here. ⬇️

👉 Figure out your pain points. Find out what’s driving you crazy that a system would help you improve. As my math teacher brain would say, you’ve gotta understand the problem before you can start to solve it.

👉 Hack your brain/design tripwires for your brain. Create if/then solutions for tasks big and small that will eliminate stress and anxiety and help you become proactive when a new challenge pops up.

👉 Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Understand what tasks are easier for you to achieve than others. This is the tipping point for figuring out a system that will actually work for you.

👉 Find tools to support your systems. This is the last stage of the process for a reason. Because only once you understand what you’ll use the tool for is when it’s possible to find one that actually works.

“If you’re looking to get organized… you need Maggie!”

She listens and asks all the right questions to figure out how to build a system that actually works for YOU! (I’ve learned the hard way that systems are definitely not one-size-fits-all!) It’s kind of like having a friend next to you while you clean out your messiest closet… she doesn’t judge, she’s patient, and she’s going to put everything in its place so that you can actually maintain it! If you’ve been considering getting organized to save yourself hours of time and bring a sense of ease to your days, don’t miss the chance to work with Maggie!!

— Alissa McDonald

Ready to create a productivity system tailored specifically for YOU and your unique teaching situation?

Here’s how we can work together!

Systems Strategy Sessions

Investment: $175

➡️ Questionnaire to prep for targeted systems strategy

Find out what’s driving you crazy that a system would help you improve. As my math teacher brain would say, you’ve gotta understand the problem before you can start to solve it.

➡️ Coaching Call Notes and Video Recording with Action Steps to Implement

Review our call to gather insight from the conversation and practical ways you can start implementing systems in your classroom the next day.

➡️ A One-Hour 1:1 Call with me

Talk with me about your challenges and what would be an ideal situation in your classroom. Then we’ll brainstorm solutions that would be a game-changer for you.

➡️ 2-Week Voxer Access with me to help you implement your systems

Connect with me via Voxer (a voice messaging app) to ask follow up questions and get feedback on your action steps.

The tools and supplies aren’t the solution…they’re the cherry on top.

(I promise this isn’t going to result in a $1,000 purchase at the container store)

In this session, I’m focused on listening intently to your struggles, dissecting them piece by piece, and crafting a manageable, actionable plan to make your goals attainable (with flexibility for adjustments as needed). We’ll zero in on the real nitty-gritty of your challenges and cook up practical solutions, instead of just hurling shiny supplies at the problem like some sort of teacher-themed confetti. Because, let’s be honest, it’s not about having the cutest bins or creating a Pinterest classroom—it’s about making your life easier and more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm loud enough you won't even know I'm not right there next to you! But for reals, the organization of the space is the last step. I will give you all the steps and breakdown you need - the real sweat equity here is figuring out the cause of the stress and making a plan to have it evaporate! However, if the one thing you are looking for is someone to plug in all the laptops for you each day, I sadly can't be that gal.

  • I create the systems YOU need. Instead of dishing out a database of solutions for you ready to go, I customize a plan that works for you. Overwhelmed by the stack of grading? Let's prioritize and determine if some material can be self-graded or electronically submitted. Passing back work the bane of your existence? Let's create a system where you never personally have to pass back a single thing again. Want to hide under your desk every day and eat chocolate? I'll join you! (True story: I did this my first year of teaching)

  • NOPE! Here's the thing - I'm the expert of organization and system, but you’re the expert of your content, students, and classroom. So if you can explain how that is orchestrated, I can make a system work!

  • Me either (anymore 😂)! As someone who has worked in the classroom and outside the classroom in the education field, I'm excited to help all education professionals! Because each situation is unique, we can create systems that are designed perfectly to you.

Systems Strategy Coaching

is perfect for……

✔️ Elementary Teachers

✔️ Middle School Teachers

✔️ High School Teachers

✔️ First Year Teachers

✔️ Experienced Teachers

✔️ Non-classroom Teachers

✔️ Instructional Coaches

✔️ Education Professionals

✔️ Administrators

✔️ Professional Development Instructors

✔️ Speech Therapists

✔️ Reading Specialists

✔️ Tutors

✔️ Music Teachers

✔️ Math Teachers

✔️ English Teachers

✔️ Home Economics Teachers

✔️ Physical Education Teachers

✔️ History Teachers

Ready to have customized organizational systems that works just for you?

Fill out the form below and let’s connect!