Picture this: Sunday scaries have become a thing of the past.

And you, my dear teacher friend, are strutting into school every day feeling confident, peaceful, and maybe even a little smug. No, you haven’t stumbled into a utopian alternate reality— you’ve achieved this by embracing systems and tools that set you up for success.

Instead of the dread you used to feel waking up in the mornings trying to remember all the things on your plate, now, you’re pleasantly surprised how your organization and tact has made your job damn delightful.


Before I implemented strategic systems in my classroom…

😭 I felt a constant overwhelming sense of dread that I assumed was just my anxiety disorder at work trying to make my life miserable.

😭 I felt annoyed at myself for not just being able to pull everything together like the perfect teacher.

😭 I felt like I was stuck in a cycle of perpetual wheel-reinventing, laboring away without the efficiency I desperately craved (who knew ‘working smarter’ was more than just a catchy phrase?).

😭 I tried every bit of advice, tool, and trick that other teachers gave me, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get them to work for ME.

Maybe like me, you’ve felt lonely in your pursuit to find “the perfect” organization system because nothing quite fits with your teaching style, your workload, your students, or your brain.

Here’s the thing, friend. We’re all wired differently – serving students with unique needs in class dynamics that change constantly from year to year, month to month, and let’s be honest, sometimes even week to week. 🤷‍♀️



customized to the way we function as individuals


flexible to the needs of our students


tailored to our strengths

When I implemented systems and tools that supported the specific tasks and times of the day that triggered overwhelm and frustration, I felt distinctly different.

All of a sudden, I was able to:

✅ Keep track of things that I wouldn’t have been able to remember in my wildest dreams.

✅ Plan lessons more efficiently and effectively.

✅ Prioritize my students’ needs instead of flying by the seat of my pants.

My systems aren’t some magic tools or tricks.

(although they’re pretty freaking awesome).

Today, I help teachers create customized systems and utilize flexible tech tools, so they can prioritize their mental health while making a difference in the classroom.

So if you’re ready to learn about…


customized to the way we function as individuals


flexible to the needs of our students


tailored to our strengths

Ready to find out how customized systems and flexible tech tools can come alongside your mental health journey?

How I can help!

Join Technically Classroom Systems

This is for the teacher who wants a second perspective to gain insight into their unique organizational needs. Let’s meet to collaborate on practical systems and tools that can serve you in a personalized way!

Join Technically Desmos

Learn how to level up your students’ engagement, decrease your grading workload, and use computational layer to make static activities into differentiated learning opportunities.

Book a Systems Strategy Coaching Session

Create a one-stop teacher hub for all your files, links, communication, and more, alleviating the mental workload of remembering an endless number of details and tracking down all the things.

Okay, so basically here’s my deal :

I’m wildly obsessed with tech tools that I can use to improve my mental health (Notion, you’re my true love 😘)

I’m a huge fan of TV shows - Schitt’s Creek, Ted Lasso, and New Girl are just a few of them. Btw - I keep track of all of them inside Notion, so I know what I’ve watched and what I’d recommend.

I’m a former middle and high school math teacher turned ed-tech program associate (one of my roles it to help run our project and email management software)

My goldendoodle, Zoey is my cute, sassy bff. She’s my emotional support animal, and I’m her emotional support human. You’ll often hear me refer to her as the mascot of Technically Maggie.

I have a chronic illness, and much like a game of bingo, I never know which days are going to be my best. Systems are my secret weapon for navigating the unpredictable rollercoaster of life.

I have 8 plant babies. Their names are Alexis, David, Stevie, Twyla, Patrick, Moira, Jocelyn, Ronnie. They’re “Simply the Best”!

I’m extremely organized… like my house looks like the container store…because it has to…for my own sanity.

I’m an energetic introvert - one of my favorite spots in the world is the corner of my sectional couch.